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Rozah Light 💫❤️🧚‍♀️🔮
Love expert, 99% accuracy
🪽1 Guided Angel Message 🪽
Time Period: 2 Days
Your spirit guides are trying to connect with you, but sometimes it’s hard to hear the message. In this service, I will tune into your energy field, and channel a message directly from your angels and spirit guides that you need to hear. Reminder, this may not be a message you necessarily want to hear, but rather a message you need to hear in order to move you forward in your life. I will deliver your message via video If you would like the guided message related to one specific theme in your life, such as love, career, finances, General message, or some thing else, please specify that with me. You will leave the session, knowing exactly what to do to move yourself forward in life and hear exactly what you need to hear. Prepare your energy to receive the guidance ✨
Rozah Light 💫❤️🧚‍♀️🔮
Love expert, 99% accuracy
❤️ Soulmate Alignment ❤️
Time Period: 2 Days
🃏A complete 15+ minute love reading on how you can attract your soulmate 🕯️ I will burn a love candle for you to align with your soulmate in this lifetime. 🤲🏽I will bless your love situation and pray for the alignment with not only you but your soulmate or twin flame as well. 🙅🏽‍♀️Remove any and all negative blockages that are hindering you from your soulmate entering in. ❤️‍🔥You will have better communication, stronger boundaries, and clear certainty that your soulmate is coming. Provide me with your name and birthday. Once your order is placed, set your intention for your soulmate to come in to magnify the energy. Good for attracting your soulmate, aligning your frequency and raising your vibration within 1 week to attract your soulmate.
Love Expert Victoria
Love expert, 99% accuracy
7 Day Chakra Cleanse
Time Period: 7 Days
Signs of off balance chakras confused unable to focus restless night unable to focus very distracted mood swings very indecisive chakra balancing, we can release blocked energies and create harmony in these areas to nurture physical and emotional well-being. is a wonderful way to take care of our mind, body and Spirit Conclusion. Activating all seven chakras is a transformative journey that leads to a holistic and balanced way of life. The benefits extend beyond the physical realm, touching upon emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects.
Insightful Elizabeth
Love expert, 94% accuracy
Time Period: 1 Day
Combine as one ✨TWINFLAMES We will do a month of readings, meditation and spiritual counseling to help guide you and your twin flame back together, we will first need to do a full in depth tarot Twin flame reading to start the chart and to guide you and your twin flame back together naturally and peacefully. This is what you get when there is a third party interference, twin flame confusion, lack of communication Candles, paper, pen
Psychic Chrissy
Love expert, 97% accuracy
Full Tarot Reading
Time Period: 1 Day
Tarot card reading By laying cards out and picking up on energy By choosing this service, what you will get is a reading telling you about present and future personality, characteristic compatibility
Rozah Light 💫❤️🧚‍♀️🔮
Love expert, 99% accuracy
🃏20 Min Weekly Reading 🃏
Time Period: 1 Day
Want to know what the week ahead has in store for you? 🃏 Within the day, I will send you a tarot video reading 20+ minutes or more on: ✨ What you can expect this week ✨ new opportunities coming in ✨ love messages ✨ what your spirit guides want you to know ✨ actions you should take to manifest your desires ✨ and more! If you would just like a general reading, please provide me with your first name and birthday, and any information on any specific thing you would like me to mention. If you have more specific questions, please provide me with those and Provide me what you desire to manifest or changes you want to see, and I will give you clarity on how to achieve it this week. The service is good for preparing your energy for the week ahead and manifesting the best outcome to move you forward on your soul journey. Please have a notebook ready so you can take notes on the reading.
Madam Mimosa
Love expert, 96% accuracy
Love Healing
Time Period: 2 Days
Love Healing/Cleansing An Love energy cleanse is a technique for eliminating unwanted or bad energy before it takes a toll on your love life. Carrying negative love energy can impact your relationships, with people around you not wanting to interact with your negativity. This will help with improvement through love and romance with your relationship,Whether it's past present or future relationship. This will help attract your love interest fully without any strings attached this will help pave the path that you are both meant to be on. Removing any blockages, removing any communication issues.We're moving any walls that he or she has up. Red Candle Red Ink Sugar
🌙🌙Psychic Prerana✨✨
Love expert, 99% accuracy
Ask 3 questions
Time Period: 1 Day
Please ask 3 questions and receive 3 detailed answers. No timeframe is provided as timeframes change based on life choices , decisions and circumstances surrounding us. Yes . Ask 3 questions that are on your mind and i will give you 3 complete answers . Great for anybody with wonders or worries of the unknown.
Psychic Priscilla
Love expert, 100% accuracy
Energy Boost 🧘‍♀️
Time Period: 1 Day
This is a special med to help with your energy and to help with giving you that extra boost when you’re feeling down. Maybe you’re feeling tired all the time of a certain situation and sometimes all it takes is changing your energy or refueling it in a spiritual way. Just like food, gives us energy for our overall physical, this is a meditation that can help in a spiritual way to help mental and emotional state. To feel new and better about yourself and to be able to tackle the things you need to get done with taking away the stress and negativity that sometimes rules our lives. This is a great way to get that renewed feeling. I will have you do a meditation just before bed along with a cleaning ritual to help with the negativity around you and to help get rid of it in order to feel your energy change and feel much better as soon as the very next day. Take advantage of this service to help when you’re just feeling like you need something but you don’t know what it is. This is for you when you are feeling stuck out of nowhere and you really don’t even know why. I will also be able to help you to figure out that why. One white candle. Any kind of white soap or bath salt.
🐞🌹Mystic Meleena🌹🐞
Love expert, 100% accuracy
Negative energy block 🚫
Time Period: 3 Days
This specific type of cleansing is designed to block negative energy being directed towards you, to remove and block all evil eye, gossip and jealousy that could be hindering your path and creating stagnant energy in your life, more specifically can be directed towards career/financial or love/relationships. With your name, date of birth and a photo of you I am able to tap into your energy to uncover where you are being targeted and by whom, from that point I work through a three day meditation/prayer to heal negativity in your spirit and place a shield of protection. Third party removal, negative energy, negative people, evil eye
💫⭐️ Psychic Star ⭐️ 💫
Love expert, 98% accuracy
✂️🕯️Cord cutting service🕯️✂️
Time Period: 2 Days
Cord cutting is a service to help remove all unwanted wanted energy that has been attached to you and your partner, or situation. Cord cutting detaches all energy that is attached with wrongful intent. Good for removing 3rd parties , negative energy from past people and situations, negative energy from any and all people pushing it your way , cord cutting also can work in other aspects of life if you feel someone or something is hold you back from self growth or career related issues, cord cutting is a great option in those areas as well.
💫⭐️ Psychic Star ⭐️ 💫
Love expert, 98% accuracy
1 Question reading
Time Period: 1 Day
A simple and quick, yes or no reading! You will get a yes or no answer, for more information on that topic you would be suggested another service! PLEASE NOTE BEFORE PLACING ORDER No question regarding Legal Or Medical including pregnancy. When people have one specific question, and need a direct answer!
Love expert, 94% accuracy
🧘‍♀️ manifestatio meditation
Time Period: 1 Day
Manifestation meditation I will light candles sage charcoal, starter, and frankincense, candle, the color of your aura This mediation is to manifest whatever you are wanting and bring good luck and prosperity your way you should see a difference in your energy vibrations and the area in your life you are doing this for weather it be Love and relationships Career and financial income Friends and family Spiritual self healing and growth Removing negativity from your life or relationship You should feel/see differences 2-4 days after meditation and manifestation is done Helping improve communication,connection in relationships and marriage Brings positive energy and abundance Candles sage crystals frankincense incense
Love expert, 94% accuracy
Spiritual alignment
Time Period: 2 Days
Spiritual alignment A spiritual moment is a way to remove any type of negative energy or blockage that may be causing interference in your life How a spiritual alignment works is I will do a meditation During this time I do need your name, date of birth and your place of birth. I will go through your whole life since birth till now Through astroprojection meditation I will see exactly where this negative energy or blockage is coming from how long it’s been in your life what it has caused interference in and how to remove it. Once my meditation is done I will answer all of your questions with dates, names, and time frames and give you a full description of where it is coming from how long it’s been a part of your life and why and what it has caused interference in Once my meditation is done, I will tell you what ways to remove your negative energy or blockage. This could be done here through live video chat with different types of materials like chakra, candles, meditation cleansing. I will do all of this through live video A spiritual alignment is best for removing negative energy and negative blockages to help improve your life And area you have been dealing with interferences This will bring you more good luck and positive energy better communication and a stronger connection to improve your relationship marrige friendship or even help with your fincial stability Once you release the negative energy or blockage you will feel a weight lift off your shoulders And start to see a difference in your life During the spiritual alignment you will go through a spiritual awakening and transition So you will become more in tune with your spiritual self and spiritually sensitive The spiritual transition is whatever past negative energy and emotions you have built up it will release so it can cause you to feel Upset or irritated or very emotional for a few days that is just you going through the release All I need from you is 1.first and last name 2.date of birth 3.place of birth I will provide chakra candle and aura candle I will burn during live video chat with you
🔮🪬Psychic Akstar🪬🔮
Love expert, 100% accuracy
Pendulum reading/guidance
Time Period: 1 Day
Pendulums are a beloved method of tapping into divinity and dowsing and they are often compared to being a physical manifestation of our higher self. Pendulums have been used as a technique for searching out the invisible, to reveal the truth behind the truth. A pendulum can be used in various scenarios where you just want to gain a little more clarity, connection, and a better understanding of something. So prepare yourself for a wonderful journey to discover the world of Pendulum.✨🙏 Prepare three questions that are bothering you the most and we will tap into the spiritual world to see what the guides will answer, even though the reply will be short yet the answer will be precise and accurate since we will be connecting with the guides directly.🔮🪷 Clarity, Accurate answers, Connecting with the spirits, Finding your path, decision making.
Love expert, 98% accuracy
Third-party removal🫂
Time Period: 3 Days
Remove any third-party that you feel is interfering with or leaving a negative impact on the relationship. I will light a lovers candle representing you, and your significant other, I will also light a single candle representing the third-party interference, throughout the three days of your candles being lit I will provide you with updates on how the candles are looking and what I’m able to pick up on. Good for getting rid of any unwanted interferences such as family, friends, and past lovers. A piece of paper as well as any pen with red ink.