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🔮✨🌹Amber Rose 🌹✨🔮
Love expert, 100% accuracy
Chakra balancing ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤍
Time Period: 7 Days
Chakras are extensions of our consciousness. Spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical energy is drawn through your chakras, which interact with your body to keep you healthy. If they are blocked by emotional or physical distress; this causes them to spin at a different speed than normal. All seven centers are interconnected, and thus a blockage in one area can produce a variety of effects. We can remove negative energy and bring positive well being back into your life and help you reconnect with your self and see that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Experience the Incredible Feeling of Well Being, When Your Energy Becomes Totally Balanced! A 24 hour meditation is done on your energy & vibration to reveal which chakra may be in need of balancing and healing Then though sound therapy, aroma therapy, working with crystals, candles, incense, oils, crystal chakra bowls As well as connecting to your guardian angels & spirit guides I will be able to balance each layer in your chakras thoroughly one by one Finding peace, balance, clarity, guidance, in all aspects of life Notice and feel results within 24 hours Such as Feeling lighter , stronger, grounded, peace of mind, sleeping & dreaming improving, communicating more freely & effortlessly, connecting to love & romance more strongly, good luck in career and finances, clearer mind set 🕉💫🧘🏽‍♀️🧘🏻‍♂️🫶🏽❤️🙌🏽✨🪬💕⭐️☀️
⭐ Psychic Nicholas ⭐
Love expert, 100% accuracy
Dream interpretation
Time Period: 3 Days
I will give you a detailed review and help you interpret and look for the signs of the messages of your dreams and spiritual realm are sending you Do you will give me a detailed description of your dream Then I will go into meditation and review and interpret the dream and give you the detailed description of how I interpret what the science mean and the message that your dreams are trying to send you Giving you the answers you're looking for sometimes dreams are trying to represent or send you messages and you have a feeling that they are but sometimes you have a hard time understanding and interpreting these messages I will give you a detailed description and help you get the answers you're looking for
Psychic Neve
Love expert, 98% accuracy
Know where you stand.
Time Period: 1 Day
Confused onto where you stand in a relationship? What are this persons Intentions? Get an in-depth reading An in-depth reading providing information in all scenarios. Clarification on to Person/persons of interest. Knowing where you stand.
🔮Insights By Lydia🕉
Love expert, 99% accuracy
Tarot Reading
Time Period: 1 Day
Tarot card reading If you’re looking for answers to life‘s questions through each spread of the tarot deck you will get answers whether it be love marriage business and success. Etc. what are you looking for answers about your ex soulmate twin flame allow these cards to provide you the answers that you’re looking for very detailed and accurate. Contact me today and let’s see what the Cards have in store for you Tarot cards connect to you each card would have different answers to all your questions and concerns to provide clarity in guidance needing Helps in many different aspects to connect to all your questions and concerns. With each card you will find the answers You’re needing Tarot cards
🧿 Psychic Sage 🧿
Love expert, 99% accuracy
Aura Cleansing ⚖️
Time Period: 1 Day
This is a aura cleansing that will make you feel more positive and lift a weight off your shoulders to make you feel like yourself again and remove the negative vibes away from your aura and life. This is a one day service, the day that you choose to do this service there is certain things that you are going to have to do for 24 hours. Fasting is one of them ( no red meat, no alcohol, and no smoking of any kind ( not even a vape ) the day we begin you cannot wear any black clothing or under garments ( yes even no black socks ) nail polish however is fine. We will both have to meditate together at a scheduled time and I will give you instructions on how to meditate and words of affirmation and the next day you will feel completely different and things will feel and become more positive for you and it will also attract positive energy toward you. Aura Renewel, positive energy, positive vibes, getting rid of negative vibes, removing weight off your shoulders, feeling refreshed, cleansing your body spiritually and physically. None.
🧿 Psychic Sage 🧿
Love expert, 99% accuracy
Strengthen&Renew Love 💗
Time Period: 4 Days
This is a service that provides you and your current relationship to renew and strengthen and restore the love and connection between one another. I will be going into meditation and lighting candles and incense, Sage and also using crystals to reconnect and reunite you and your lover and restore the relationship to the way things was before, open one another’s eyes and bring you both closer to one another. Rebonding with lover, strengthen relationship, restore love, cause lover to become less distant and more communicative and open.
🔮Insights By Lydia🕉
Love expert, 99% accuracy
 chakra awakening
Time Period: 3 Days
chakra and third eye awakening spiritual and physical growth healing rejuvenating your mind body heart and spirit Removing emotional blocks
🔮Insights By Lydia🕉
Love expert, 99% accuracy
chakra balancing Cleansin
Time Period: 2 Days
Chakra balancing spiritual healing helping you find balance within yourself as well as peace of mind spiritual cleansing
🔮Insights By Lydia🕉
Love expert, 99% accuracy
Spiritual cleansing
Time Period: 2 Days
spiritual cleansing sessions mind body heart spirit space everything is energy over coming any emotional blocks finding balance clarity.
Psychic Angeline
Love expert, 99% accuracy
 message from your person
Time Period: 2 Days
Have you ever wondered what they are feeling but you’re not sure because they are so closed off ? This is a service, allowing you to receive a message from the person of your interest this is a message that they want to share but they might not have the courage to do so, so the spirit guides can help you find out what it is by letting you know their thoughts and feelings towards you and what they want to say to you I will go into deep meditation using rose quartz, affirmations as well as lighting 2 candles, specialized, and specifically for their thoughts and feelings 1 for their spiritual connection towards you and another one for the message they want to share with you seeing what spirit guides have to share from this persons end and the message that the spirit guides provide me with from your persons feelings and energy will be provided directly from them to you This is good to gain insight into your partners true feelings and emotions, fostering deeper understanding and connection in your relationship. This will also help to uncover hidden desires aspirations enhance empathy and compassion in the relationship strengthen your bond through increased emotional intelligence and to also navigate challenges with greater understanding and harmony.
Gifted psychic Mary
Love expert, 99% accuracy
Charka/energy Balancing
Time Period: 3 Days
It is a subtle and effective form of energy work using spiritually guided life force energy. Chakra balancing is the life energy that flows through all living things. understand that everyone has the ability to connect with their own healing energy and use it to strengthen energy in themselves and help others. It is believed that a person’s “KI” or energy should be strong and free flowing. When this is true a person’s body and mind is in a positive state of health. When the energy becomes weak or blocked it could lead to symptoms of physical or emotional imbalance. A session can help ease tension and stress and can help support the body to facilitate an environment for healing on all levels–physical, mental and emotional. A session is pleasant and relaxing and is often utilized for one’s personal wellness. Health benefits is stress reduction and relaxation. This Service helps bring about inner peace and harmony. It can be a valuable tool in the quest for spiritual growth. It can also bring about a calme Even though the body appears to be a material object, in reality it’s a field of energy, transformation and intelligence. When we look beyond the molecules that make up the matter of the body, we see fields of energy. New and novel technology is being developed that can detect these subtle energy vibrations and give us insight into the health of the energetic body. This vital energy moves in discretely defined channels, and there exist concentrations of energy in the midline of the body. These centers or wheels of energy are called chakras and each of these centers identifies a core human need. When a center is open, the energy that flows through that chakra allows need to be met more effortlessly. If there is a blockage in one area, energy becomes stagnant, and intentions are more difficult to actualize. During your session i will work with you to activate your energy centers by placing attention and intention on the location of each chakra and by using the vibration of specific shapes, crystals and sound to balance, wakefulness, wholeness and the ultimate fulfillment of being human. Additionally, one may experience a reduction in stress and many other physical, emotional benefits.
🔮Psychic Madison🔮
Love expert, 99% accuracy
 Energy cleanse
Time Period: 3 Days
Cleanses negative energy and removes negativity By using your name and date of birth and a picture of yourself I will look into your energy and see what type of negativity is in your life from past and present and remove it from your energy so that it does not affect your future or create blockages, this is also a blockage remover. Cleansing your energy getting rid of negativity drawing in positive energy positive people positive situation. Name date of birth and photo
Madam Tarot
Love expert, 99% accuracy
Negativity removal
Time Period: 2 Days
Cleansing negativity out of your life. Provide me with your name and date of birth. I will then tap into your energy .. And give you answers to what needs to be done to cleanse, negativity From your life. Whether it being bad luck in relationships ,job ,family I will give you the tools and the answers to help you change your patterns. If you're constantly attracting negativity, things aren't going your way and you feel like you're just always in a situation where you feel you have to repeat yourself over and over again.You may be affected by negative energy.. My clearing is a diagnosis of what the problem is. I will give you that information as well as work with you through special rituals to cleanse this energy. White candle
Madam Tarot
Love expert, 99% accuracy
Heart chakra clearing
Time Period: 5 Days
Open up the heart chakra to receive the love you deserve. Provide me with your full name, birthdate. And time of birth And I will tap into the information needed to heal the trauma that has caused your blockage in this area Clearing your heart Chakra and understanding what you're storing in this energy center will help you come into a better version of your romantic self as well as understanding, what are you doing wrong in your romantic world and what you can do to change it. Red candle
Gifted psychic Mary
Love expert, 99% accuracy
 Tarot card reading
Time Period: 2 Days
Tarot card Reading Gets into past present future love marriage business you can show up to three different photos of three different people, and I can pick up other energies to tell you what they are feeling and what their Energy colors hold With your name and date of birth and the photos, I’ll be able to pull those energies to give you the best guidance on your reading as possible Clarity Tarot cards
✨Nanoune 🔮
Love expert, 100% accuracy
Two General Predictions
Time Period: 1 Day
You will be given two predictions. Kindly avoid sending questions. Future predictions transcend time, hence it is advised not to expect a specific timeframe. If a prediction does not currently resonate with you, it might be linked to an event in your future, so there is no need to worry. Be confident that your predictions will come to fruition. They may materialize on the same day or years later, as I prefer not to specify timing in generalized readings. These GENERAL LIFE predictions are the insights I seek from Spirit regarding your distant future. I will use a combination of Tarot, Oracle, and Lenormand Cards to help me connect easily to spirit. Guidance towards navigating and planning for future insights. - First Name - Month & Date of Birth - Gender - Relationship Status