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🕯️Psychic Maria🕯️
Love expert, 99% accuracy
 Third-party cord cutting
Time Period: 2 Days
Third-party removal 🕯️❤️ How this works I take your name and Date of birth, as well as your person, interest, name, and date of birth, and the person that you feel is a third-party in your relationship or your connection with somebody and then I sever that connection between them and your person of interest Good for severing the connection between your partner and somebody else that you do not want to be a third-party in your connection anymore or if this is a person that is interfering in certain relationships in your life doesn’t have to be romantic, but this does help with third-party is very much The only material you are going to need is a Rose quartz under your Pillow and meditate every night for a week after the service is started on my part I will be lighting candles and doing spiritual work
PSYCHIC 🔮 Healings
Love expert, 99% accuracy
 Relationship repair
Time Period: 2 Days
Past love future love current relationship I am here to help and guide you to your inner flame that you’re supposed to be with on your three day love journey With the help of your spiritual guides and minds we are able to work together to seek the truth behind the meaning of your lover True intentions or to help guide you on the path to find your true inner flame Three days of burning The inner flame love candle Is to help and guide us to the truth to see the persons true intentions or find a new romance The inner flame love candle your name age and date of birth and your current partner or person of interest name age and date of birth The reason of this being so the candle knows who it belongs to seek the truth
Rozah Light 💫❤️🧚‍♀️🔮
Love expert, 99% accuracy
❤️ Soulmate Alignment ❤️
Time Period: 2 Days
🃏A complete 15+ minute love reading on how you can attract your soulmate 🕯️ I will burn a love candle for you to align with your soulmate in this lifetime. 🤲🏽I will bless your love situation and pray for the alignment with not only you but your soulmate or twin flame as well. 🙅🏽‍♀️Remove any and all negative blockages that are hindering you from your soulmate entering in. ❤️‍🔥You will have better communication, stronger boundaries, and clear certainty that your soulmate is coming. Provide me with your name and birthday. Once your order is placed, set your intention for your soulmate to come in to magnify the energy. Good for attracting your soulmate, aligning your frequency and raising your vibration within 1 week to attract your soulmate.
Love Expert Victoria
Love expert, 100% accuracy
7 Day Chakra Cleanse
Time Period: 7 Days
Signs of off balance chakras confused unable to focus restless night unable to focus very distracted mood swings very indecisive chakra balancing, we can release blocked energies and create harmony in these areas to nurture physical and emotional well-being. is a wonderful way to take care of our mind, body and Spirit Conclusion. Activating all seven chakras is a transformative journey that leads to a holistic and balanced way of life. The benefits extend beyond the physical realm, touching upon emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects.
Insightful Elizabeth
Love expert, 99% accuracy
Inner Child Healing ✨
Time Period: 2 Days
Feeling drained? Tired? and unmotivated? Unable to succeed or dont even care too, feeling lost or worried about the unknown? Try this Inner Child Healing and reading. Please provide Name and Date of Birth and we will go into a in-depth and detailed reading to help understand and solve this block, we will go into healing which will be done with Candles to cleanse and release past trauma from the past Issues that no longer serves you, this can be regarding Love, Life and from Personal Insecurities. To help bring back light and positive energy. To help you acknowledge your past and over come it This is to help bring yourself back, a better version of yourself and help unlock doors and help enhance spiritual growth. Help you to achieve peace, motivation and take the weight of the past off of your shoulders Three white candles
Psychic Elianne
Love expert, 99% accuracy
Spiritual cleansing
Time Period: 1 Day
Spiritual cleansing for improving spiritual powers In this decade where we commit numerous mistakes and sins that effected very badly on our spiritual growth and improvements so we stuck in life and bad luck kicks us towards problems and stress so, this service will help to get you out from these troubles swiftly . For your spiritual growth to get everything on your path
Rozah Light 💫❤️🧚‍♀️🔮
Love expert, 99% accuracy
✂️ Cord Cutting Journey ✂️
Time Period: 2 Days
Has someone else’s energy been tugging on your own, stopping you from living a full life? This ritual is designed to liberate your spirit and cleanse your aura of unwanted attachments. In this deeply personal and empowering prayer, we'll sever the cords that bind you to past relationships, negative influences, or anything that no longer serves your highest good. Our ritual is a sacred collaboration between your intentions and the intuitive guidance I provide. By tuning into your unique energy signature, I'll guide you through a process where we'll identify and dissolve these energetic ties. This isn't about saying goodbye to what you love: it's about acknowledging past connections with gratitude and releasing them to make room for new growth and opportunities. Whether you're looking to break free from a specific person, overcome lingering negativity, or simply wish to rejuvenate your emotional and spiritual well-being, this ritual is a step towards embracing your true self. Together, we'll create a spac You provide me with your circumstances, and who’s energy you would like to release. I will send you a video reading Giving you guidance and support throughout the journey, as well as empowering messages to move forward in your life. I will be praying over your situation for a week, Magnifying the intention and power, and providing you with support. Releasing negative attachments, releasing negative energy, letting go of people who do not serve you, so you can live your fullest life and souls purpose and call in your real soulmate
Love expert, 99% accuracy
✨Lover's Reuniting Spell💕
Time Period: 1 Day
Reunites lovers By providing me with each and every detail I ask upon entering in chat I shall tell you what instructions if any I have to give you and you need to abide by it and follow through with it otherwise the ritual or spell will be in void and a repurchase will have to be! This spell reunites lovers not instantly! But within time. Provide me with your name and date of birth your lovers name and date of birth and a photo of you and them separate or together. I must have a picture of them specifically! I'm within a 15-day period you will not only hear from them but being communication with them. And then being together. Being back together with an ex-lover. Hearing from them. And regaining and rebuilding trust. Grapeseed oil, a wooden broom, a picture of your lover. A red candle. A lead pencil with an eraser. A plain white sheet of paper.
Psychic Chrissy
Love expert, 99% accuracy
Full Tarot Reading
Time Period: 1 Day
Tarot card reading By laying cards out and picking up on energy By choosing this service, what you will get is a reading telling you about present and future personality, characteristic compatibility
Psychic Angeline
Love expert, 99% accuracy
Send a dream🛌💭🔮
Time Period: 2 Days
, this allows you to send a direct and personalized dream to the person of your choice must be with positive intent only I am a very strong clairvoyant. I have tools, resources and very deep connection with the universe and spirit guides to send a direct dream to a lover, a friend, a soulmate, a twinflame, ect…. this is something that has to be done with positive intent only I will not except sending a negative dream this can definitely help to get you on the mind of your lover to get them thinking about you and even possibly reach out to you. Think about what you would like them to see to feel to realize, and to understand Sending a loved one personalized and special dream Have the dream prepared and in detail to send to them
🧿Egyptian⭐️ Psychic🧿
Love expert, 100% accuracy
Life energy realignment
Time Period: 3 Days
To clear negativity and darkness that is preventing you and blocking you in your life from moving forward to your life goals and true purpose whether it is in love and relationship, career, finances, or you have come across jealousy and envy in your life, this is a spiritual balancing ritual to open up and align every single chakra and element in your life to help you stay focused but also remove toxic energy and influence in your life instantly because sometimes there are certain people that are preventing you from getting ahead in life but they have not been revealed to you as of just yet even in regards to your partner their energy could change suddenly, and instantly towards you, and you feel like that relationship is falling apart, but you can’t get back on your balance, because your fear of getting hurt is greater than anything else your fear of them walking away are you losing your significant other to somebody else? This spiritual realignment can help put all your energy back into place to allow you I will be working with several crystals to build up your protection, as well as candle, meditation, and prayer work to create your spiritual image . Your full life energy replenishment Photograph of yourself, and your partner, or the person that you want to be with full name and date of birth, as well as place of birth time of birth, would be preferred as well 1 red candle, 1 blue candle salt and sage
🌙 Psychic Davina 💫
Love expert, 100% accuracy
 Love Protection
Time Period: 3 Days
This service will provide protection for you and your significant other. This protection is for love and relationships to protect against third-party interference, negative energy, or any one who might want to cause distance, confusion, or obstacles in the path of you and your significant other is protection, can also be used to protect any interference from standing in the way of a reconciliation or protect against outside individuals, who may want to interfere in a no contact situation or separation. This is a love protection and protect against any negative energies, spiritual interferences are outside individuals who may want to interfere with you and your significant other or person of interest. Our provide detailed information on The process walk through any steps, you may need to participate in meditation, long distance, healing, and energy clearing. I will provide a spiritual protection around you and your person of interest. The service is good for anyone who feels that their relationship is being challenged by a third-party interference or outside individual anyone who might be struggling with negative energy, or spiritual and interference Or feels like their relationship needs protection. This is a love protection that will protect your love. It will protect someone you love it will protect your connection, preventing any interference, spiritual manipulative or otherwise. I will require your name and date of birth, as well as your persons, name and date of birth. If you can provide a photo, please do otherwise not necessary and any questions you may have or require clarity on.
🔮Psychic coraline🔮
Love expert, 99% accuracy
 Love spell❤️🔮
Time Period: 2 Days
Love spell will open the door to and your loved one or someone new This is going to to increase their feelings even more for you and let them see what they didn’t see in you this is not only going to improve your relationship this is going to be a much more stronger experience they have ever felt I go in deep prayer meditate with candles for a full day To connect through your energy’s as well as your souls this is meant to truly open up their heart and I will be connecting with their mind body and soul this love spell will make you to come closer to each other than ever and truly open up towards one another I work with love candles and love potions, and I go in deep meditation
Psychic Patricia
Love expert, 99% accuracy
Do as I say get control
Time Period: 2 Days
Do As I Say … Do as I say, is a premium service that I offer to get your love/spouse/person of interest to listen to you if you are having problems with your person of interest not hearing you not listening to anything that you are saying get control and get this person of interest to hear you. This is for better communication. This service will get your person of interest to listen to you. It is called do as I say for a specific reason it will get your person to basically listen to you whether it be through communication or conversation if your significant other is not listening to you, and you feel there is distance and your person is avoiding you not wanting to speak or communicate this do as I say ritual Will help you get in control in the best way possible This will require candles, oils, and specific incense. The candle will be specifically a red candle that says do as I say this can work for many different situation’s. It’s not just love based. It is also to help with work. If your boss is not listening, it is going to help with family, friends, but it especially works amazing with love related issues.
Love expert, 99% accuracy
Tropical Astrology
Time Period: 1 Day
Astrology is the study of celestial bodies and how they impact our universe in space and time. A Map of your Astral Sky at the exact moment of your birth can provide information on your character, personality, strengths, weaknesses, how you love, how you act, how you feel, and how you think. It can pinpoint the best path of least resistance, aligning you with your purpose. It can sometimes show you the best moments to decide about love and commitments, money and finances, career, daily routine, travel, etc. Astrology is your guide to understanding yourself and learning to enhance and capitalize on your strengths while making changes and improving your weaknesses. Tropical astrology focuses on the sun and seasons and focuses on the mind. It is psychological and reads more into our behavioural patterns and perceptions. The sun moves between the twelve zodiac signs yearly, spending about one month in each sign describing your drive, ambition, individuality, and style. Since Tropical Astrology planetary placements are a few degrees ahead, by following this system, you can better understand your reality and those around you and the events that have, do and will occur. Tropical Astrology can assist in guiding you in understanding yourself, your life destiny, how you love, your strengths and weaknesses, your career purpose, finances, and more! Your Name, Date of Birth, Time of Birth Location of Birth, and Current Location to see current Transits
Medium Luna 🔮🌙🌕
Love expert, 99% accuracy
Light Oracle
Time Period: 2 Days
The light oracle deck is a way to stimulate self-improvements,thoughts pattern and personal growth in a very practical way.It provides you with fresh insights into your life and spirituality.It holds all frequencies needed to heal the soul and ease the mind There are different spreads for different questions and situations.We start by selecting 5 numbers from from 1 to 48. Making decisions, Finding out about possible future paths, Revealing certain secrets,unveiling certain deep soul desires