Time Period: 1 Day
Astrology is the study of celestial bodies and how they impact our universe in space and time.
A Map of your Astral Sky at the exact moment of your birth can provide information on your character, personality, strengths, weaknesses, how you love, how you act, how you feel, and how you think.
It can pinpoint the best path of least resistance, aligning you with your purpose.
It can sometimes show you the best moments to decide about love and commitments, money and finances, career, daily routine, travel, etc.
Astrology is your guide to understanding yourself and learning to enhance and capitalize on your strengths while making changes and improving your weaknesses.
Tropical astrology focuses on the sun and seasons and focuses on the mind. It is psychological and reads more into our behavioural patterns and perceptions.
The sun moves between the twelve zodiac signs yearly, spending about one month in each sign describing your drive, ambition, individuality, and style.
Since Tropical Astrology planetary placements are a few degrees ahead, by following this system, you can better understand your reality and those around you and the events that have, do and will occur. Tropical Astrology can assist in guiding you in understanding yourself, your life destiny, how you love, your strengths and weaknesses, your career purpose, finances, and more!
Your Name, Date of Birth, Time of Birth Location of Birth, and Current Location to see current Transits