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July 1, 2021
Do you feel it is so hard to be happy recently?Although happiness can sometimes be elusive or unattainable, it does not mean that it is an impossible journey or goal. On the contrary, if you persevere, happiness may be waiting for you at the next corner. Or, it may be simpler than that. Happiness may always be with you-you may not have taken the time to realize that it is much simpler than you once believed.Are you still looking for happiness? Maybe you need to learn some tips to make you feel happy again.01. Ask When You Stopped Being HappyIf you want to be happy again, it suggests that you were happy at some point in the past. The first step to finding that happiness again is to ask when and why you stopped feeling happy.Ask some questions for yourself:Was it a particular event that jolted your mind out of a relatively upbeat mindset?Did you experience a loss of some sort?The death of a loved one, a breakup, finding yourself out of work – these are just some of the things that can steal happiness away and make it hard to find again. In many such circumstances, you'll have to properly grieve the loss. There is no time limit on this. It might take weeks. It might take months. It might even take years before you can regularly experience those happy moments once more.Chances are you will work your way through various stages of grief until you have reached a point where the loss no longer dominates your thinking. Even then it might not totally disappear. But it will fall into the background and allow you to focus on the positive times.02. Recall Positive MemoriesIn order to be happy again, it is important that you do not make it your only meaningful goal. Although you can do something to create more happy moments, you cannot and will not always succeed. In an Australian study of over 300 young adults, it was shown that those who recalled memories about problem-solving (a time when you successfully managed a challenge) or about identity (something that shaped you to become the person you are today) showed decreased negative emotions and increased positive emotions, respectively.These findings suggest that simply thinking back to a time in your life when you were overcoming a challenge or to a time when you went through a significant life experience that changed you for the better could be effective in boosting your mood, and therefore, your happiness. However, if you focus too much on happiness as a result, you will usually find it more difficult to achieve that result. Sometimes the act of striving to be happy is itself a hindrance to happiness.03. Don't Compare with OthersAlthough ambition is great, jealousy will only make you unhappy. Compared with others has its limitations. We may focus too much on the lives of others and forget our own journey. Everyone's situation is different. Comparing yourself to others will lead you to emptiness and pain. Although other people's lives may seem perfect from the outside, there is a hidden story that we don't know. Although it helps to learn from them, too much competition can destroy your inner peace. Focus on your dreams and goals, and enjoy your achievements and success. Taste them instead of competing.04. Confirm Goals or Self-TranscendenceYou have to identify what things you currently enjoy and what you might potentially enjoy given the opportunity. One good way to identify what you do and do not enjoy right now is to spend 5 minutes at the end of each day thinking about what you've done during that day.For each thing that you've done, ask yourself whether you'd want to do it again tomorrow. If you would, it's something that has provided at least some level of happiness. If you would not, perhaps you can avoid doing this thing again in the future. The beauty of this end-of-day assessment is that you can try new things and then decide how much you'd like to do them again.What's gone is gone and to ruminate on the future only invites added stress and worry. Live in the present moment and enjoy it while you can. There is much to be gained with your focus on the present moment, such as taking in the beauty of life and reducing stress.
J. Tommy
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June 4, 2021
10 Tips on How to Rekindle a Relationship With Your Ex.Notice how “Send them a drunk text!” is not on this list. 😀So let’s say, hypothetically, on a random Wednesday night, you found yourself drunk off margaritas and decided to send “DO NOT TEXT” a 2 a.m. message. Sure, it seemed like a smart idea…until the next morning, when you realize that in your drunken stupor, you sent a picture of the cold mozzarella stick you were eating. (Sorry, let me rephrase: You sent a blurry photo of a cold mozzarella stick.)…It happens. But it might not come as much of a surprise that you were left on reading. So because you’ve specifically landed on an article that’s supposed to help you slide back into your ex’s life again (and not completely destroy the chance with a picture of a mozz stick), I’m going to tell you to Put. The. Phone. Down—and maybe the wine too.Okay, be honest: Have you ever tried to win back an ex and failed miserably?For now, let’s have an expert dissect the tangible, actual ways you can win over your ex again that’s not via a midweek drunk text. After all, according to our Cosmo poll, 95 percent of you wouldn’t be completely against rekindling with an ex. So if you’re ready to be patient and really work at it, here are 10ish tips that may help you along the way.Give your partner actual space. This one will probably be harder if you were the one broken up with, but trust, it’s important. If you can’t respect your ex-partner’s basic wishes of needing some space, you’re not off to a good start in making them want to date you again. Of course, if you’re trying to get back together, you will want to reach out eventually—but there’s no concrete amount of time to wait, says psychologist Mariana Bockarova, Ph.D., who teaches relationship psychology at the University of Toronto. A good rule of thumb: Break the silence when you feel more clarity about the relationship. This means if you were broken up with and have been blaming yourself for the split, only reinstate contact when you stop feeling that way. If you did the breaking up, shoot a text only when you’re certain that you miss your ex for the right reasons, rather than out of boredom or guilt.Don’t think of it as a competition. “I would avoid the mindset of ‘winning over anyone,’” says Bockarova. In a world that looks at dating culture as a “challenge” anyway, it’s quite unhealthy to try to re-win your ex over by thinking of it in the same way you’d think about a football game—where there’s one clear winner and one loser. Seeing a reconciliation as anything other than a combination of mutual growth and effort is a pretty unhealthy approach, confirms Bockarova, and it probs signifies that you shouldn’t be getting back together in the first place.Hold back on the bad-mouthing. Obviously, breakups feel shitty. It’s only natural (and needed) to have a vent session with your closest BFFs. However, you can be hurt without acting vindictive—especially if your ex is someone you already think you might want to get back together with. “Put yourself in your ex’s shoes,” Bockarova says. “Would you appreciate if someone you cared about spoke badly about you to all of your friends, [sent you] an avalanche of angry messages, or revealed secrets you had told them in a vulnerable state?” If you ever want to open the door to dating each other again, spreading weird rumors or sending mean-spirited texts won’t do you any favors. Also, it’s just good practice for all breakups, regardless of your future dating intentions. It’s never good to divulge super-personal gossip about an ex—plus, it won’t actually make you feel better.Change your life before seeing if your ex fits into it. In your time apart, you might feel a little lonelier than you used to, especially when you’re making weekend plans or finding activities to fill up a rainy Tuesday night. But learning to like yourself just as much when you’re alone is arguably the most crucial part of this process. Bockarova suggests investing in new friendships and hobbies and filling up your life with as much joy as possible, even if you’re still down about the breakup. Once you’ve faced your fear of being partnerless, then and only then can you know if you genuinely want your relationship back. “If you only miss your ex when you feel lonely or when you compare your life to those of friends in relationships but not in moments when you feel happy and confident, it won’t make for a very fulfilling relationship down the line,” Bockarova says.Assess if your issues are actually fixable. Okay, so you’re sure you miss your ex a lot and do want them back. But there’s more to it than that: Were your reasons for breaking up actually mendable? “Problems that are tangible are easily fixed,” Bockarova says. “If you broke up because a job took a partner into a new city and long-distance was difficult, then the problem may be fixed if one or both partners are willing to make a sacrifice.” But if you had larger disagreements about your values or plans for the future (such as whether to have kids or where you ultimately want to live), you’ll most likely be just as incompatible down the line. And sorry to say, you might find yourselves in the same position as before.Don’t overthink how you approach them. Once you’ve decided that trying to get back together feels right and you’re pretty sure they’re not dating anyone else, it’s time to open up the convo. It’ll probably feel a little awkward, but the main thing to remember is to do what feels right for the relationship. For long-term partnerships, Bockarova suggests being more up-front and honest about missing the person and hoping to meet with them. For shorter-term relationships or fizzled-out dates, she recommends keeping it simple and just asking them if they’re free to hang out.Keep the actual meetup spot casual. Although your old go-to bar with the dimly lit candles and velvet booths feels hella familiar and romantic, it’s probably not the best bet for this situation. Instead, Bockarova suggests something like an afternoon coffee so “there aren’t high expectations on the meetup and your partner doesn’t feel pressured into staying too long if they feel uncomfortable.” Plus, an open-ended, sober daytime hang lets you be clearheaded and honest about how you feel without any pressure.Address the elephant(s) in the room first. You may very well be tempted to flatter your ex a bunch to warm them up, but unless they’re totally oblivious, they already know what’s up. Buttering them up comes off as disingenuous, even if it’s not your intention. “If there are any issues that need clarification or anything you’d like to apologize to your partner for, do that early on,” says Bockarova. “Sort out your issues so that your partner can tell you’ve given this some thought and it isn’t a spur-of-the-moment decision to reenter into a relationship.”End things on some great memories. Okay, so you’ve sufficiently covered everything you’ve reflected on in your time apart. You’ve built a case for getting back together, and your ex has given their verdict. Maybe they’re enthusiastically into it—or maybe they’re very firmly against it. Either way, you should reflect on the best parts of your relationship. “You always want to end this conversation on a positive note—a memory you’ll always cherish or maybe why you are glad your partner entered into your life,” says Bockarova. If you love your ex enough to want to be with them again, you should try to look at your past with zero regrets, regardless of the final outcome.If you do get back together, really do the work. This goes back to the no “winning them over” thing. If you decide to give it another go, know that it’s not an overnight process. “Although it will take some work to rebuild trust, this is your opportunity to form an even deeper bond,” Bockarova says. “But that can only be if you speak up to your partner about what you like and dislike when you feel hurt and when you feel happy, and how you’d like to be treated.” She also recommends therapy to sort out any recurring issues. The point is, as fated and passionate as getting back together can feel, there were still reasons you broke up in the first place, and now’s the time to tackle them. But hey, when you’re with the person you want to be with, you already know you’re down to try again.
Julia Pugachevsky
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May 31, 2021
A career path is essentially a roadmap for your personal and professional development.Career paths don't always follow a straight line. Your career path is not set in stone. You can change it at any point based on your needs and experiences. However, when your career seems to come to a complete standstill, it can be difficult to know what your next step should be. Does this sound depressingly familiar? If so, it's time to seriously consider mapping out your career path.What is a career path?We all want to score a good-paying job in an industry that we love. But let's face it, life isn't some feel-good movie, and amazing career opportunities rarely just fall into people's laps. Therefore, a career path is a series of jobs that help you progress towards your goals and objectives. Your career path includes the jobs you'll need to hit your ultimate career goal, but it doesn't need to follow a straight line. There's no blueprint or timetable for climbing the career ladder. Career paths traditionally imply vertical growth or advancement to higher-level positions, but they can also include lateral (sideways) movement within or across industries.To achieve the career you want, you need to be strategic with the jobs you take. That's where mapping out your career path can be a major help. Your career path is simply a series of jobs you take that ultimately lead you to your dream career. Career paths go hand-in-hand with a career plan, which is a list of short- and long-term goals that you strive for along your career path.Ready to take a stab at mapping your career path?Here's how to create an effective career path process that will put you on the fast track to success.Step 1. Establish your starting point.The first step in developing a personal or professional development plan is to understand where you are now—not only to explore your current role, but also to explore your talents, strengths, weaknesses, and ability levels. Only in this way can you know where to start to develop a career path for yourself.You can ask yourself the following questions:How satisfied are you with your role?If I were to make a change, what would it be?How do others currently view you? How do you want to be viewed by others?What are your inherent strengths and talents? ...STEP 2. Identify your direction.Once you have a firm understanding of your starting point, identify where you want to go next. You can pinpoint both interim stops and the ultimate destination for your career over the next several years.After you've mapped out the job positions you need to reach your dream job, fill out the necessary skills, experience, training, and certifications you'll need to achieve each step in your career. If you're in a competitive field, you may want to consider listing a few additional skills that may increase your chances of advancing quickly.You can ask yourself or advisors the following questions:Is your immediate focus on developing new skills to enrich your current job performance?What specific skills do you need to develop?Is your next career step lateral, up, or over in another organization?On what specific role do you have your sights set?What skills do you need to develop to qualify for that role?How can you contribute to success?STEP 3. Do your research.Once you have a career map, start doing in-depth research for different positions, with a heavy focus on your dream career. While individuals may move through the same sequence of roles, each person has unique strengths to leverage and opportunities for development. No two career journeys are the same. Carve out time each day to read news related to your industry and read blogs written by those in your field.To get a clearer picture of your dream job, try finding a job shadowing opportunity that will give you a behind-the-scenes look at your future career.Review job descriptions for the positions that interest you most:What knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics do you need?Identify the specific skills, experiences, and knowledge you need to acquire for your year stops on your career journeySTEP 4. Expand your knowledge and skills.Now comes the tricky part: gaining the skills and knowledge you need to progress in your career. Read books, take online courses, and use whatever resources you have available to you at work to expand your skillset. Documenting the specific actions you will take, timelines for completion, and how each activity supports the achievement of your objectives helps establish a commitment toward achieving your career goals.If you want to speed the process up considerably, look into getting an advisor. A good advisor can be a huge asset to your career by teaching you valuable skills and being a source of support.STEP 5. Set small goals.While big career goals may be admirable, they can be unrealistic or difficult to achieve. You may encounter detours, roadblocks, or take side roads, so establishing regular check-ins with those you admire and respect can help you course-correct or adjust your plan to accommodate new destinations. To keep yourself motivated and on track, be sure to set small, attainable goals that keep you moving towards your big goal. Remember, this is your plan. You are the only one accountable for success. It is the actions you take and the choices you make that will move you forward through your journey.STEP 6. Network to gain visibility.Never stop networking! It's seriously one of the single best things you can do for your career. Not only can networking broaden your job opportunities outside of your company, but it can also help you make a powerful lateral move to a different department. By networking with people outside of your department, you can learn about different positions within the company and get first-hand knowledge of what those positions entail. And if you make a good impression, you could give yourself a big advantage if/when you decide to apply for the position.
J. Tommy
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