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Tarot Gypsy
Love expert, 99% accuracy
Talismans for success
Time Period: 3 Days
These powerful talismans are part of a very old and ancient magic tradition which has been passed down through generations. I know these magical items can bring about positive changes in the lives of those who use them. Ancient talismans have been used for thousands of years as a source of protection or good luck. They are believed to be physical objects that contain magical powers or spiritual energy that help protect us from harm and bring positive outcomes in our lives. Talismans come in many shapes and sizes including rings, amulets, coins, statues. And each with their own unique meaning intended to attract specific energies into your life depending on what you need at the time. Talisman’s work by focusing on positivity while also protecting against negativity so that you can achieve abundance in all areas; health wealth relationships career etc.. It is said they carry a special vibration which helps align you with higher vibrations thus allowing more blessings & opportunities into your life . With my special talisman, you will be able to experience true love, find success in your endeavors and achieve inner peace like never before! My family unique designs have been crafted with years of research into this age-old magical practice – each one is infused with its own special energy that will help manifest your desires into reality. Make today the day you take back control over your life by investing in an ancient talisman from me! I guarantee it will make a huge difference for you on both physical and spiritual levels – so don’t hesitate any longer - start living the life you deserve now! 1. Connection with me 2. White candle 3. Paper and pencil 4. Piece of wood, coins, personal cloth, a piece of bread
Love Reader Selena
Love expert, 99% accuracy
Soul-tie breaking
Time Period: 5 Days
Soul-tie breaking This is a very specific cleansing and spell are you feeling stuck with someone wanting to move forward get out of a bad, toxic relationship do you feel like you're tied to this person a soul tie breaking is what is best for you to be able to part ways with this person without feeling stuck or drawn back. With this spell, it will completely break you away from that toxic person negative relationship for good he will not feel drawn or stuck to being with that person or continuing any negative cycle this is a permanent fix to guarantee that this person will not be in your life ever again. The spell is specifically only if you want this person out of your life for good and not tied to you. Do not request this spell if you are hesitant, or want to get back with the person in the future.
🔮Psychic Sherry🕯️
Love expert, 99% accuracy
 Energy cleansing
Time Period: 3 Days
This service helps remove any blockages or negativities that are stopping you from being successful Through your name and date of birth I am able to reach your aura energy. And able to see what blockages need to be removed and things that you need to push back into your past. This is great for people that feel like they have to have a mind, body and spiritual cleanse. From their spiritual journey if you feel like something has been hindering you and you’ve not been able to move forward and all areas of your life this is a very successful service to move forward. With a fresh start. Also, gives you a great deal of insight on what you need to let go of and what is no longer a part of your future. I conduct the service through full name and date of birth. A picture is very helpful are use crystals, oils, candles, and incense, and sage.
Psychic Betty
Love expert, 99% accuracy
 10 questions 10 answers
Time Period: 1 Day
ask 10 questions receive 10 answers I will use my psychic abilities to provide you with the answers to all your questions if you have a lot of questions this is a good service for you as you are able to ask up to 10 questions and receive 10 answers
Psychic Intervention
Love expert, 97% accuracy
Protection spell
Time Period: 1 Day
This is a protection spell so no harm can come to you If you feel that something isint right or someone did you wrong then this is a spell that you would want to do it will protect you from anyone to do you harm or wish it upon you Well this helps with nobody wishing you to have harm or bad luck in your life Candels crystals and speaking to my spirit guides and connecting with your guides as well
Psychic Intervention
Love expert, 97% accuracy
Gay and lesbian spell
Time Period: 1 Day
This is a spell specifically for LGBT This is a spell for the significant other to help bring this person to have love for you Well it helps for that special someone to become closer to you 3 candels and love potion’s and very strong meditation
Advisor Emerald
Love expert, 99% accuracy
☁️Dream Analysis💫
Time Period: 1 Day
A detailed analysis of your dream! I will share the meaning behind the symbols within your dream, as well as mind, body and spirit connection. A dream is simply a premonition or message from your spirit guides! Spiritual guidance & messages for your pathway.
🔮✨🌹Amber Rose 🌹✨🔮
Love expert, 100% accuracy
Chakra Attunement 🕉 💫 💕 🙌🏽
Time Period: 1 Day
Attunement is intended to connect a person more closely to their spiritual source and to open the flow of life current. These forks use sound and vibration to balance the body's energy. It reduces tension and promotes emotional harmony, and works in a similar way to acupuncture. Instead of needles, sound frequencies are used to stimulate points in the body. Choose 1 chakra to attune directly to the core of the chakra to receive spiritual balance healing and clarity in all aspects! Using the tuning forks is a great and effective efficient way to receive quick healing for any chakra at any time ! Becoming in tune and In touch with your spiritual body mind spirit and soul Connecting more to love intuition dreams success prosperity and much more ! Releasing stress worry tension anxiety fear depression Uncertainty Improves sleep dreams intuition self control self love Grounding and much more!